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On this feast of St David, the patron of Wales, I send my warmest greetings to you all. This day is an opportunity for us to reflect on the life and witness of Dewi Sant, a man of profound faith, humility, and service, whose legacy continues to shape the spiritual and cultural heritage of our nation.
St David’s famous words, “Gwnewch y pethau bychain – Do the little things,” remind us that holiness is found not just in grand gestures but in the small, daily acts of kindness, generosity, and faithfulness that draw us closer to God and to one another. His life was one of simplicity and devotion, yet his influence spread far beyond the monastic communities he founded. His example calls us to live with integrity, to care for our neighbours, and to remain steadfast in our commitment to the Gospel.
Today, as we celebrate the rich history and traditions of Wales, we also look forward with hope. St David’s message is one of unity and service, urging us to build communities where the dignity of every person is cherished, where faith is lived with joy, and where the values of compassion and justice shape our common life.
May this St David’s Day renew in us all a spirit of faith and commitment to the common good. May his prayers guide and strengthen those who serve in public life, and may we, like him, seek always to follow Christ in all we do.
With every blessing and the assurance of my prayers for you and your families.
Yours devotedly,
Most Rev Mark O’Toole
Archbishop of Cardiff-Menevia
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