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The Prayer Group for Peace is starting up again soon - It began praying for peace in the Ukraine in 2022, during the Lent period. Members will be providing more information in the coming weeks. The aim of the group is an end to war and peace in the world.

Peace Prayer Group


Our next Taize prayer evening is planned for Friday 24th February 2023

By Webmaster February 17, 2023
Brother Alois from Taizé writes in his message for this year: “In the context of the war that is ravaging Ukraine and so many other places in the world, some people find it very hard to pray, as if God were absent or silent in the face of evil. And yet praying for peace awakens our sense of responsibility and our solidarity with all who are suffering so terribly from the tragedy of war. (...) Yes, praying for peace is more urgent than ever.” February 24th marks the sad anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Please join us at St. Teilo’s at 6pm to come together to pray for one hour for peace and to remember those suffering from the war. We will listen and sing to music from Taizé, praying together and in silence for peace.
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