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With the return of some better weather, we are starting the physical activity programme with a series of walks throughout the Lenten period and have-a-go indoor sessions. The walks will take place after Mass on Sundays every fortnight starting on February 26th and from St Teilo’s Church. In the spirit of Lent, the walks are a chance to connect with each other and look to make changes in ourselves, so why not join us in our aim of walking a collective virtual journey across the breadth of Wales whilst engaging in some active spiritual contemplation? The walks are free but a pound donation to the Reaching Out project would be most welcome. More news on the dates and locations of the have-a-go sessions, also free of charge, will be available in the next newsletter. We will be at coffee after Mass on the 19th to answer any questions you might have. Once you have been bitten by the activity bug, look out for our Couch to 5K programme in the Spring! – Jo and Liam


Sunday Feb 26th (after 10am Mass) - Outdoor group walk starting at St Teilo's

Sunday March 12th (after 10am Mass) - Outdoor group walk starting at St Teilo's

Sunday March 26th (after 10am Mass) - Outdoor group walk starting at St Teilo's

Physical Activity Programme

By Webmaster March 15, 2025
The indoor physical activity takes place this Thursday in the Hall at St. Teilo’s from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. Walk and Talk The Walk and Talk group has its Wednesday evening circular walk from St. Teilo's, through Llandaff North and back on Wednesday each week. During Lent, in order to enable walkers to attend the Parish Lenten sessions, the walks will, begin at 5.45pm outside St. Teilo's.
By Webmaster June 16, 2023
The next indoor activity session will be on Monday, June 19th at 10:30 as there is a funeral on Tuesday morning. The Couch to 5K will be held as normal that week on the 21st June at 6:15pm . All welcome! No specialist clothes or kit needed. Look forward to seeing you there. Liam and Jo
By Webmaster March 25, 2023
Reminder! F ollowing the success of the previous two occasions, the Third Lenten Walk takes place after the 10am Mass this Sunday (26th March). All are welcome to join the walk with fellow parishioners in Caedelyn Park With the return of some better weather, we are starting the physical activity programme with a series of walks throughout the Lenten period and have-a-go indoor sessions. The walks will take place after Mass on Sundays every fortnight starting on February 26th and from St Teilo’s Church. In the spirit of Lent, the walks are a chance to connect with each other and look to make changes in ourselves, so why not join us in our aim of walking a collective virtual journey across the breadth of Wales whilst engaging in some active spiritual contemplation? The walks are free but a pound donation to the Reaching Out project would be most welcome. More news on the dates and locations of the have-a-go sessions, also free of charge, will be available in the next newsletter. Once you have been bitten by the activity bug, look out for our Couch to 5K programme in the Spring! – Jo and Liam Both Liam and Jo, who will lead the activities, are professionally qualified. Liam is a Level 3 Personal Trainer and Jo is a Level 2 Gym Instructor, soon to be Level 3!
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