Persecuted Christians

Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering in different parts of the world. Persecution might seem a word of the past - but it is a reality today, and not so far away. Despite their suffering of so many Christians, they continue to follow Jesus no matter what the cost.

World Watch List

The World Watch list is an annual ranking report conducted by Open Doors. the list monitors 50 of the worlds countries where Christians face the most severe persecution.

5621 Christians Killed in 2022

The report states that 5621  people were killed last year for faith related reasons.

Top Ten - Most dangerous countries for Christians

1.  North Korea

2.  Somalia

3.  Yeman

4.  Eritrea

5.  Libya

6.  Nigeria

7.  Pakistan

8.  Iran

9.  Afghanistan

10. Sudan

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Nigeria - Shocking Numbers

A staggering 89% of Christians killed last year were from Nigeria, which reported  more Christian killings than all of the other places combined.

Violence against Christians in sub-Saharan Africa has hit new heights as jihadists seek to make Africa the first Islamic continent. This is already having catastrophic consequences for the church.

First Shrine for Persecuted Christians in Europe.

A new shrine in England honoring Mary. It will be dedicated under the title of Mary, Mother of Persecuted Christians.Fr. Kiely, the priest leading the effort to establish this new shrine, stated, “This is the first shrine in Europe specifically dedicated to prayer for the active persecution of Christians now all over the world. It’s certainly the first shrine in Europe dedicated to Mary, Mother of Persecuted Christians.

at the Ordinariate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Gregory

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