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Sacrament of Confirmation

Webmaster • Jun 29, 2024

Archbishop Mark will celebrate the 10am Mass next Sunday 7th July and celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with the Parish candidates. Please keep them in your prayers as they experience the coming of the Holy Spirit in their lives in a new way. The Confirmandi’s names are Adela, Amelia, Anne, Charles, Daniela, Frank, Gabe, Laurie, Madalena, Tomas and Tommy.

By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
Clothes donations for the SVP The Parish St. Vincent De Paul (SVP) Conference undertakes a monthly collection of clothing for the SVP Charity Shop. Clean, good quality clothing, books and toys are welcome. Donations may be left outside the confessionals at the rear of St. Teilo’s this weekend, July 14th , and on the weekend of the Second Sunday of each month. Please ensure that donations are brought to the Church only on the specified Sundays, as we do not want the Church to become cluttered during the week. Thank you from the parish SVP.
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
The Parish Knit and Natter group will meet at St. Teilo’s Hall on Thursday 18th July following the 10.00am Mass. All are welcome to come along and join in the knitting or the nattering or both!
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
Coffee and tea will be served in the Parish Hall at St. Teilo’s after the 10am Mass next Sunday, July 21st . Why not come along and meet up with our fellow parishioners? All are welcome.
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all of our lives, but they often work in difficult, hazardous conditions. Today is Sea Sunday which is when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Your support will make a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need. You can donate in the collection at all Masses today or by visiting . This collection is vital to enable Stella Maris to continue its important work, so please give generously. Thank you.
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
Canon John will be attending the Requiem Mass of Fr. Frank Slater at Belmont Abbey on Wednesday 17th July at 11am. Due to this, there will be no Mass or coffee and tea at Our Lady of Lourdes on Wednesday.
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
Please view our current newsletter HERE
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
This year’s pilgrimage takes place on Sunday, August 18th . 10.15 a.m. Monmouth to Welsh Newton Pilgrims set off to walk to Welsh Newton from St. Mary’s Church, Monmouth after the 9.15 a.m. Mass. Everybody is welcome. Please bring a packed lunch. 3.00 p.m. Welsh Newton We meet for Rosary, Readings and Prayers at St. John Kemble’s Grave in the Churchyard at Welsh Newton. 4.15 p.m. Monmouth Benediction follows in St. Mary’s Church, and afterwards, tea will be served in the garden, and produce sold. People have prayed at St. John Kemble’s Grave from the time of his martyrdom in 1679 to the present day. The Annual Pilgrimage is a blessing for the parish and the Archdiocese and all who make the effort to attend. You are welcome to come for the whole or any part of the day. All enquiries to: The Pilgrimage Secretary: Mrs. M. Walsh, phone – 01600 713316
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
The Parish Rosary Prayer Group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 2.00pm in Ty Mair, 19 Heol y Waun CF14 1LB at the junction of Heol Gabriel and College Road. The group members have intercessory prayer, read and discuss the following Sunday's Gospel, pray the Rosary, pray the 3 o'clock prayer and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and have a cuppa! The next meeting takes place on Thursday, July 25th . All are welcome to attend.
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
St. Teilo’s Friends of Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets on Saturday, July 20th at 2.30pm in the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to come along to pray for the parish and the intentions of the parishioners.
By Webmaster 13 Jul, 2024
Back by popular demand following our Christmas Concert, which was a sell out. The Local Vocals Community Choir led by Mary Chichester, who is a member of the parish, is performing its Summer Concert on Tuesday July 16th at 7.30pm at St. Teilo’s. Tickets are £5. The Charity for the evening is the Parish Reaching Out Project. For tickets, please ring Mary on 07795371762 or tickets can be purchased at the door.
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