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The Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has confirmed the approval of the new Lectionary by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
The new Lectionary, which includes the Scripture readings for Mass and the Sacraments, will come into use in Catholic parishes in England and Wales from Advent 2024. Cardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Dicastery said: “The use of the English Standard Version – Catholic Edition, already in use in India, along with the Abbey Psalms and Canticles will help to ensure that the Word of the Lord reaches God’s holy people without alloy”.
Since 1969, the Church in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland has used the Jerusalem Bible translation of the readings and the Grail translation of the psalms. From Advent 2024, England, Wales and Scotland will use the Anglicised English Standard Version – Catholic Edition (ESV-CE). Copies of the Anglicised ESV-CE are available for purchase from Eden and other book sellers. New Lectionaries and Mass Booklets will be published between now and Advent next year ready for the start of the use of the new Lectionary.
Archbishop Emeritus George Stack of Cardiff, Chair of the Bishops’ Conference Department for Christian Life and Worship, welcomed the dicastery’s ‘confirmatio’ for the Lectionary: “The new Lectionary gives us an opportunity to hear the Word of God with fresh ears, as we engage with a text which is intended for public proclamation and reflects up to date biblical scholarship. “I hope that parishes and other communities will engage in preparation for the Lectionary so that all the faithful will hear the word of God with deepened faith and understanding.”
The new Lectionary will be in use from Advent 2024 and will be published by the Catholic Truth Society (CTS)
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