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Pancake Tuesday has arrived - Flour, eggs, butter, and all things not particularly good for you - today is the day to make the most of what you have in the cupboards. Why do we do this? Well, today also has another name - Shrove Tuesday. Shrove derives from 'shriving' - confessing and owning up to having too much of a good thing. Which means we should be honest about the extent of over-indulgence in our lives. Today is the last day of over-indulgence before we enter into the Lenten season of 40 days., which begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. Will you be entering into the desert with Jesus in some small way? When we enter the desert with Jesus and deny ourselves the things which satisfy our worldly desires - we can be certain of one thing; our relationship with Jesus strengthens. As part of our lenten programme, we have arranged many events in the parish to help you on your Lenten journey. Please check our website calendar for further details -
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