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Day of Fasting and Abstinence
Good Friday is a day of penance observed by the whole Church. It is a day of fasting and abstinence when everyone over the age of 16 and under the age of 65 are expected to abstain from meat and reduce their consumption of food.
Good Friday – Walk of Witness
This year, Churches Together in Whitchurch will be undertaking a Good Friday Walk of Witness following the Way of the Cross. There will be a short reading, hymn and reflection at each of the churches.
9:30am – The walk will begin at St. Teilo’s Church. Why not join Canon John and the clergy and members of Churches Together in Whitchurch at the start of the walk?
9:50am – Ebeneser at Whitchurch Community Centre
10:20am – Whitchurch Methodist Church
10:50am – St. Mary’s Church
11:20am – Bethel Baptist Church
11:50am – Ararat Baptist Church; following the reflection, hot cross buns and drinks will be served.
Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
At 3pm on Good Friday at St Teilo’s, we join the Church throughout the world in gathering to remember that "Christ our Passover was sacrificed." Together we meditate on the Passion of the Lord, adore His Holy Cross and commemorate the origin of the Church, flowing from the side of Christ, dead on the Cross. We intercede for the salvation of the whole world.
Children's Liturgy
Because of the solemn entrance to the Liturgy of the Passion, may we ask parents/grandparents to bring your children to St Teilo’s in good time. Please remember to take your children directly to the hall, prior to the start of the service, so you are able to be in the Church promptly for the Liturgy of the Passion.
Holy Places
The Collection at the Good Friday Liturgy will be in aid of the Holy Places. Please give generously to support the mission of the Franciscan Friars who maintain and protect the places of devotion and prayer across the Holy Land.
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