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The decision by the government to reduce overseas development assistance from 0.5% to 0.3% means that, in some of the most vulnerable places on earth, more people will die and many more will lose their livelihoods. But with the parish's support for CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day Appeal, you can share hope with these communities and stand with them in solidarity against the impact of this cut. CAFOD have partners making a difference right now across the world, committed to working wherever the need is greatest. Partners like Wakera, helping women in Kenya to adapt to a changing climate. When drought hit, he shared his expertise and provided mothers like Lokho with the tools and seeds they needed to grow food for their families. The parish's support will help mums like Lokho to grow food in harsh climates, building safety nets for their families.
There will be a retiring collection at all Masses this weekend for your donations to CAFOD as part of the Lent Family Fast Day. At St. Teilo’s you will be able to donate to CAFOD using debit or credit card at the electronic donor station. You can also donate by selecting CAFOD here -
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