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Antiphon for today’s Mass:
Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her.
Be joyful, all who were in mourning;
exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.
In the Middle Ages in England and Wales, this antiphon led to the tradition of people returning to their Mother Church on this day, that Church being the church of their baptism or family home, which led to the day being called Mothering Sunday. Even after the Catholic tradition had died out in these islands, servants and other domestic staff were released from service for this day to visit their families. This led to the idea of paying special attention to our own mothers on Mothering Sunday, which is why it is now also known as Mother’s Day.
So, today we will celebrate with all the Mothers, Grandmothers and Carers in the parish. On this day, our parish mothers, grandmothers and carers take this day to give thanks to God for their children, families and friends.
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