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Mass of the Lord’s Supper
With the celebration of Mass on the evening of Holy Thursday, the Church begins the Easter Triduum. This Mass recalls the Last Supper at which the Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, showing His love for those who were His own in the world, gave His Body and Blood under the species of bread and wine, offering them to His Father. He gave them to the Apostles so that they might partake of them. He commanded them and their successors in the priesthood to perpetuate this offering. Mass is celebrated at 7pm at St. Teilo’s.
Collection at Mass
The Collection for Lenten Arms will be taken during Mass on Maundy Thursday evening. Lenten Alms this year will be shared between
the Victims of the Turkey/Syria earthquake and the Young People from the Archdiocese who need support to attend World Youth Day
with Pope Francis.
Watching at the Altar of Repose
After the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, watching at the Altar of Repose takes place until 10pm. You are welcome to come along to spend time before the Lord on this night when Jesus said to the disciples: ‘Could you not watch one hour with Me?’ you?
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