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Cistercian Nuns at Holy Cross Abbey, Whitland – Come and See Weekends 2025

Webmaster • March 15, 2025

The Cistercian Nuns at Holy Cross Abbey, Whitland, who produce the hosts we use for Mass are hosting two ‘Come and See’ weekends during this Jubilee Year. The weekends will focus on the theme: ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and the sisters are inviting single Catholic Women aged between 25 and 45 who are discerning a vocation, to experience our monastic life. The weekends take place from Friday, May 30th to Monday, June 2nd and from Friday, August 8 th to Monday, August 11th. Any enquiries and registration, please email the Sisters at

By Webmaster March 15, 2025
The Parish Lenten Sessions continue on Wednesday. The theme, based on the theme of the Jubilee Year is: “We Dare to Hope” The topic of the second session will be: The Decision to Hope. The session will remind us that hope is a gift of God, but it is also a human act, a decision to trust God and rely on Him, especially in moments of anxiety, when the absence of God is felt. These are opportunities to grow in hope.  Why not come along to reflect on the theme of Hope during this Jubilee Year when we are called to be: Pilgrims of Hope?
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
The Lenten Station Mass for our Deanery will take place on Wednesday, April 9th at 7pm at St. Helen's Church, Barry. It would be nice to have a good number of parishioners in attendance at this Mass as part of our Lenten observance, so please put it in your diaries now.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
The Parish Rosary Prayer Group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 2.00pm in Ty Mair, 19 Heol y Waun CF14 1LB at the junction of Heol Gabriel and College Road. The group members have intercessory prayer, read and discuss the following Sunday's Gospel, pray the Rosary, pray the 3 o'clock prayer and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and have a cuppa! The next meeting takes place on Thursday, March 27th . All are welcome to attend.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
We will have coffee and tea in the St. Pope John Paul II Chapel at Our Lady of Lourdes after the Mass and Stations of the Cross on Wednesday 19th March . If you are at Mass on that day, please stay behind and spend some time socialising and sharing with our fellow parishioners.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
During Lent we will celebrate the Stations of the Cross each week at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Teilo’s. Stations will take place at Our Lady of Lourdes after the 10am Mass on Wednesday.  Stations will take place after the 10am Mass at St. Teilo’s during adoration.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
Each Tuesday evening, the parish has an hour of silent Adoration at St. Teilo’s from 7pm to 8pm. The primary intention for the period of Adoration is vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Feel free to come for all or part of the hour to pray for the Church in its need for faithful ministers to continue the Mission of Jesus.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
Adoration and Exposition – Our Lady of Lourdes The Polish Community holds silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. All are welcome to come along and pray in silence, in the presence of the Lord Jesus. Adoration is preceded by Mass in Polish at 7pm. Adoration and Exposition – St. Teilo’s  There will be Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10.30am to midday at St. Teilo’s this Friday. Why not come along to spend time in silent prayer and adoration before the Lord?
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
The children of the parish are continuing their preparation for First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 11th. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time. The children’s names are Ashwyn, Brinley, Christian, Daniel, Dylan, Jessie, Nell, Orlaith, Rory and Thomas.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
All parishioners are warmly invited to the monthly Torchlight Procession for Peace which will take place this month at Our Lady of Peace Church, Newbridge at 7:00pm on Thursday 20th March . The event, arranged by Fr. Kevin Payne and the Parish of Our Lady of Peace, includes prayers for Peace. Canon Brian Gray, Vicar General of the Archdiocese, will be the guest preacher at the Torchlight Procession this month. There will be light refreshments after the procession.
March 15, 2025
The decision by the government to reduce overseas development assistance from 0.5% to 0.3% means that, in some of the most vulnerable places on earth, more people will die and many more will lose their livelihoods. But with the parish's support for CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day Appeal, you can share hope with these communities and stand with them in solidarity against the impact of this cut. CAFOD have partners making a difference right now across the world, committed to working wherever the need is greatest. Partners like Wakera, helping women in Kenya to adapt to a changing climate. When drought hit, he shared his expertise and provided mothers like Lokho with the tools and seeds they needed to grow food for their families. The parish's support will help mums like Lokho to grow food in harsh climates, building safety nets for their families.  There will be a retiring collection at all Masses this weekend for your donations to CAFOD as part of the Lent Family Fast Day. At St. Teilo’s you will be able to donate to CAFOD using debit or credit card at the electronic donor station. You can also donate by selecting CAFOD here -
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