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029 20 623 444
Thank you for taking the time to visit our parish website. We are a very active Catholic community, seeking to share the gospel values as revealed to us by our saviour Jesus Christ. If you find yourself in the area, please do call in and celebrate Holy Mass with us. Our parish priest, Canon John Griffiths is very keen to meet with visitors to the parish.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our parish website. We are a very active Catholic community, seeking to share the gospel values as revealed to us by our saviour Jesus Christ. If you find yourself in the area, please do call in and celebrate Holy Mass with us. Our parish priest, Canon John Griffiths is very keen to meet with visitors to the parish.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our parish website. We are a very active Catholic community, seeking to share the gospel values as revealed to us by our saviour Jesus Christ. If you find yourself in the area, please do call in and celebrate Holy Mass with us. Our parish priest, Canon John Griffiths is very keen to meet with visitors to the parish.
Parish Livestream
Download the parish Newsletter Here
Fr. John Prayer requests: Please remember those who are sick in your daily prayers: Keith Alexander, Maureen Barry, Brian Bryant, Diane Cornelius, Barbara Day, Rafael Diaz, Helga Evans, Ivor Evenden, Violet Fonseca, Rita Harris, Bea Manson, Mary Jones, Mary Joseph, Eileen Lawrence, John Mintram, Terry O’Shea, Derek Phillips and Bridget Wynne-Farrell. If you would like to add someone to the list, please email the parish office through this link or email the parish direct (on the newsletter) - Also, please pray for our recently bereaved - List Here
We welcome all new and existing parishioners - become involved with the ministries.
Our prayer groups support parish activities.. Check our events calendar for more information.
Keeping our parishioners engaged with social activities is very important to us. Come and join us!
Are you new to the Catholic faith? Want to know more about why we beleive the things we do?
We've stepped out and are responding to the needs of our wider community. We find this work so rewarding!
Excellent activities to engage the children .We hope you find them useful.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our parish website. We are a very active Catholic community, seeking to share the gospel values as revealed to us by our saviour Jesus Christ. If you find yourself in the area, please do call in and celebrate Holy Mass with us. Our parish priest, Canon John Griffiths is very keen to meet with visitors to the parish.
Please check the current newsletter for any changes to mass times
View Larger Livestream - Click Here
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
Saint Ignatius Loyola
Pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you
Our Music Ministry team include talented singers and and musicians . If you have a passion for music, find out how you can get involved
Keep informed about parish activities on a week by week basis. Our important activities can be seen featured below, and found on our Parish Newsletter - available online here, or in print at the back of the church.
Fr. John Prayer requests:
Please remember those who are sick in your daily prayers: : Sue Adams, Eileen Allen, Margaret Brown, Brian Bryant, John Costley, David Cuddihy, Philip Daly, Barbara Day, Rafael Diaz, Ivor Evenden, Violet Fonseca, Mary Goodman, Paul Gough, David Griffiths, Martin Griffiths, Rita Harris, Hannah John, Lola Jones, Mary Joseph, Mark Kozik, Eileen Lawrence, Annette Massey, John McLaughlin, Bernie Monaghan, Robert Morgan, Gwyneth Page, Derek Phillips, Richard Williams, Bethan Thompson, Hilary Tracey, Derick Travers, Paolo Trisolini, Keith and Gwen Waddams, Madeleine Walters and Eileen Yaxley.
If you would like to add someone to the list, please email the parish office through this link or email the parish direct (on the newsletter) - Also, please pray for our recently deceased - List Here
New Paragraph
We encourage parishioners to submit articles, or information that you feel appropriate for our news section. Also, do send us feedback about how we can improve our website. Please send details to the parish office through the link below.
Remember to check our events calendar for all of the activities happening within the parish
The parish ministry support the community in so many different ways. We encourage all parishioners to be involved.
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